Tuesday, April 16, 2013

SuperFuzz 2: The Siege of Super Co.

I'm holding off projects "Taboo Doggie" and Working on both "Dark" and "SuperFuzz 2 the Seige of Super Co" at the same time. SuperFuzz 2 I'm revealing more of the background between Gray and Sevelle and an introduction of 2 new characters that will shed some light on the ninja faction Gray and Sevelle belong to. Silliness and awesome action will be included.... I wonder how much stuff I can blow up... :) I'm considering getting into Kickstarter to see if I can get funding for the official version of Maya ($7,000!! :( ) and other erroneous equipment.  Check the SuperFuzz blog every now and then for updates! I have to get an industry job and do this on the side so this one could take a loooong time.
