Monday, October 7, 2013

3d Printing my models!

SuperFuzz Figurines are now available. I will continue to make more models that will push my creativity and feature more products that people may want to buy. I'm excited!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

SuperFuzz 2: The Siege of Super Co.

I'm holding off projects "Taboo Doggie" and Working on both "Dark" and "SuperFuzz 2 the Seige of Super Co" at the same time. SuperFuzz 2 I'm revealing more of the background between Gray and Sevelle and an introduction of 2 new characters that will shed some light on the ninja faction Gray and Sevelle belong to. Silliness and awesome action will be included.... I wonder how much stuff I can blow up... :) I'm considering getting into Kickstarter to see if I can get funding for the official version of Maya ($7,000!! :( ) and other erroneous equipment.  Check the SuperFuzz blog every now and then for updates! I have to get an industry job and do this on the side so this one could take a loooong time.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

New 3D Animation Short Film Projects

So SuperFuzz is all done aside from a sequel or possible series in the future. It depends on how the public embraces it when I release it later this year. Meanwhile I'm thinking about starting a new project. For now I'm calling it Project "Dark" featuring a play on the concept of balance. Its more serious than SuperFuzz and I'm hoping to pull some different emotional strings in this one, but there's DEFINITELY going to be some cool, insane action scenes in there. Superfuzz is an Action/Comedy however Project "Dark" will likely be an Action/Drama. It was actually the original idea for my thesis. I'll keep you posted on any movements!

While still in the planning stages of "Dark", I also might lend a helping hand to the directors of "Them Greeks" and "Skylos" if I can get a hand on better animation equipment.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

SuperFuzz 2012 Trailer is finally finished and available to the public!

 I kinda added some extra animation and composed a song specifically for the Trailer. :) But hey here's a youtube or vimeo link so don't be shy!

You Tube:       <<<<< Corrected You Tube Link...sorry everyone


SuperFuzz Blog: